Skandha Shashti Vratham
Invoking the divine blessing of the Almighty, Sonadri Vedic Panacea is organising “Chatru Samhara Subramanya Trishati Homam” during Kandha Shashti Vratham at Tiruvannamalai!
This homam protects one from negativity, black magic, evil eye, enemies and gives strength to face them
A war between Lord Subramanya and Demon Soorapadma held for six days. At the end Soorapadma was slayed into two halves as cock and Peacock. Cock adorned the flag of the Lord and peacock became His Vaahana.
Shashti Vratham imparts that one who gives away all six negative quality (Desire, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Ego and Jealousy), He/She will be blessed with good fortune.
"We pray to Lord Subramanya to bless you with Good health, wealth and prosperity"
Participate In Skandha Sashti Homa Sankalpam and Receive Prasadam
Kind Request! Prasadam Will Be Sent Within India Only & On A Special Request It Can Be Sent Outside India
₹ 600 for 6 days
₹ 1000 for 6 days
₹ 1200 for 6 days
₹ 2500 at Tiruchandur on 7th November
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