Sri Mahalakshmi Homam

Removes sin and bless with all needs

Goddess of wealth, prosperity and fortune

Mahalakshmi Homam is a Hindu ritual dedicated to the goddess Mahalakshmi, who is considered the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and fortune.

The goal of the Homam is to seek the goddess's blessings for material and spiritual prosperity, abundance, and well-being.

This ritual is commonly performed on auspicious day occasions such as Tuesday, Friday, Panchami (5th day from new-moon-day as per Hindu calendar) or Dasami (10th day from new-moon-day as per Hindu calendar) during times when devotees seek to enhance their financial stability and prosperity. It's believed that by performing the Maha Lakshmi Homam with devotion and sincerity, devotees can attract wealth, success, prosperity, fortune & fertility into their lives. The goddess is considered as the consort of Lord Vishnu and helps to attain financial stability.

It is one of the most advantageous Vedic rituals as it bestows on the performer both materialistic and spiritual benefits. It removes the misfortunes that create poverty, and attract good health, wealth and prosperity. Devotees can feel positive vibes around them by destroying all the negative energies.

Sri Mahalakshmi Homam helps devotees in fulfilling their needs and desires. Through this Homam, devotees can accumulate wealth, fortune and sharpens the skills and ability. This also can increase the meditation power of the devotees. Devotees can get peace and relief from their strenuous day-to-day schedule. It helps in improving memory and meditation powers.

Sacred offering such as ghee, raw turmeric and other special herbal items are offered into the holy fire by chanting the Sri Mahalakshmi mantras and Vedic Hymas.

₹ 6,300

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